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ZHENG Yusheng











Refereed Journal Papers

  1. Y. -S. Zheng and P. Zipkin, “A Queuing Model to Analyze the Value of Centralized Inventory Information." Operations Research, 1990, Vol. 38, 296-307.
  2. Y. -S. Zheng and A. Federgruen, “Finding Optimal (s,S) Policies is About as Simple as Evaluating a Single Policy." Operations Research, 1991, Vol. 39, 654-665.
  3. Y.-S. Zheng, “A Simple Proof for Optimality of (s,S) Policies in in finite Horizon Inventory Systems." Journal of Applied Probability, 1991, Vol. 28, 802-810.
  4. Y.-S. Zheng, “On Properties of Stochastic Inventory Systems." Management Science, 1992, Vol. 38, 87-103.
  5. A. Federgruen and Y.-S. Zheng, “The Joint Replenishment Problem with General Joint Cost Structure." Operations Research, 1992, Vol. 40, 384-403.
  6. A. Federgruen , M. Queyranne and Y.-S. Zheng, “Simple Power-of-two Policies are Close to Optimal in a General Class of Production/Distribution Networks with General Joint Setup Costs." Mathematics of Operations Research, 1992, Vol. 17, 951-963.
  7. Y.-S. Zheng and F. Chen, “Inventory Policies with Quantized Ordering." Naval Research Logistics, 1992, Vol. 39, 285-305.
  8. A. Federgruen and Y.-S. Zheng, “An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Optimal (r,Q) Policies in Continuous-Review Stochastic Inventory Systems." Operations Research, 1992, Vol. 40, 808-812.
  9. F. Chen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Waiting Time Distribution in (T,S) Inventory Systems." Operations Research Letters, 1992, Vol. 12, 145-151.
  10. F. Chen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Inventory Models with General Backorder Costs." European Journal of Operations Research, 1993, Vol. 65, 175-186.
  11. F. Federgruen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Optimal Control Policies for Stochastic Inventory Systems with Endogenous Supply." Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 1993, Vol. 7, 257-272.
  12. A. Federgruen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Optimal Power-of-Two Replenishment Strategies in Capacitated General Production/Distribution Networks." Management Science, 1993, Vol. 39, 710-727.
  13. Y.-S. Zheng, “Optimal Control Policy for Stochastic Inventory Systems with Markovian Discount Opportunities." Operations Research, 1994, Vol. 42, 721-738.
  14. F. Chen and Y.-S. Zheng, ”Evaluating Echelon Stock (R; nQ) Policies in Serial Production/Inventory Systems with Stochastic Demand," 1994, Management Science, Vol. 40,1262-1275.
  15. F. Chen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Lower Bounds for Multi-Echelon Stochastic Inventory Systems," Management Science, 1994, Vol.40, 1426-1443.
  16. A. Federgruen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Efficient Algorithms for Finding Optimal Power-of-Two Policies for Production/Distribution Systems with General Joint Setup Costs," 1995, Operations Research, Vol. 43, 458-470.
  17. F. Chen and Y.-S. Zheng, ”One Warehouse Multi-Retailer Systems with Centralized Information," 1997, Operations Research. Vol. 45, 275-287.
  18. M. Cohen, Y.-S. Zheng and V. Agrawal, ”Service Parts Logistics Benchmark Analysis," 1997, IIE Transactions, Vol. 29, 627-639.
  19. F. Chen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Sensitivity Analysis of an (s,S) Policies," 1997, Operations Research Letters, 1997, Vol. 21, 19-23.
  20. F. Chen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Near-Optimal Echelon-Stock (r,nQ) Policies in Multi-Stage Serial Systems," 1998, Operations Research, Vol. 46, 592-602.
  21. M. Cohen, Y.-S. Zheng and Y. Wang, “Identifying Improvement Opportunities for a Service Parts Logistics System," 1999, Interfaces, Vol. 29, 1-18.
  22. W. Zhao and Y.-S. Zheng, “Optimal Dynamic Pricing for Perishable Assets with General Nonhomogeneous Demand," 2000, Management Science, Vol. 46, 375-388.
  23. Y. Wang, M. Cohen and Y.-S. Zheng, “A Two-Echelon Repairable Inventory System with Stocking-Center-Dependent Depot Replenishment Lead Times" 2000, Management Science, Vol. 46, 1441-1453.
  24. W. Zhao and Y.-S. Zheng, “A Dynamic Model for Airline Seat Allocation with Passenger Diversion," 2001, Transportation Science, Vol. 35, 80-98.
  25. F. Chen, A. Federgruen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Coordination Mechanisms for Decentralized Distribution Systems," 2001, Management Science, Vol. 47, 693-708.
  26. M. Fisher, K. Ramdas and Y.-S. Zheng, “Ending Inventory Valuation in Multi-Period Production Scheduling," 2001, Management Science, Vol. 47, 679-692.
  27. F. Chen, A. Federgruen and Y.-S. Zheng “Near Optimal Pricing and Replenishment Strategies for a Retail/Distribution System," 2001, Operations Research, Vol. 49, 839-853.
  28. Y. Wang, M. Cohen and Y.-S. Zheng, “Differentiating Parts Replacement Service on the Basis of Delivery Lead-Times," 2002, IIE Transactions, Vol. 34, 979-989.
  29. T. Ho and Y.-S. Zheng, “Setting Customer Expectation in Service Delivery: An Integrated Marketing-Operations Perspective,” 2004, Management Science, Vol. 50, 479-488.
  30. N. Watson and Y.-S. Zheng, “A Demand-Focused Decentralization Scheme for Serial Supply Chains,” 2005, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Vol.7,152-168.


  1. “Adverse Effects of Over-estimation of the Permanence of New Demand levels: Overreaction To Demand Changes and Improper Forecasting”(with Noel Watson), 2003.
  2. “Multi-Product Newsboy Model with Partial Postponement” (with N. Rudi), 1997.
  3. “A Sensitivity Analysis of Stochastic Inventory Systems” (with X. deGroote), 1993. Invited Pres.